Once more, I wasn't in class when the two class members did their presentation on Bitstrips, and apparently I missed a big thing!!! So, to learn about it, I went on the Bitstrips website and I read the Wiki page that the two class members did.
By looking at both of them, I learned that Bitstrips is an useful technology on which you can create comics, characters, friends and scene for free. It is an addictive and fun website to play on. I even had a try and created my profile picture (see above).
These are two examples that teachers may do with Bitstrips in their classroom:
1) The teacher may create a small comic scene with pictures only, and ask the students to write the dialogues.
2) The teacher may let students have a play on Bitstrips website during free time on computer; she may ask them to create their profile or to do a small comic, for instance.