Tuesday, September 15, 2009


This is a wordle I created to describe blogs.

Before taking this technology unit I never had a blog and wasn't sure of the purpose and utility of a blog

Now I created my own blog as part of my assignment for the technology unit; and I think that it is very interesting and effective to use.
It can be good to use to do personal reflection of your life, put some pictures to show family and friends.
However, you can lose your privacy if you're using blogs to much (by putting to much think on your life) and if you haven't restrain the access to your blog.


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Once more, I wasn't in class when the two class members did their presentation on Bitstrips, and apparently I missed a big thing!!! So, to learn about it, I went on the Bitstrips website and I read the Wiki page that the two class members did.

By looking at both of them, I learned that Bitstrips is an useful technology on which you can create comics, characters, friends and scene for free. It is an addictive and fun website to play on. I even had a try and created my profile picture (see above).

These are two examples that teachers may do with Bitstrips in their classroom:
1) The teacher may create a small comic scene with pictures only, and ask the students to write the dialogues.
2) The teacher may let students have a play on Bitstrips website during free time on computer; she may ask them to create their profile or to do a small comic, for instance.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Google Docs

I wasn't in class when Miriam and Simon did their presentation about Google Docs; but I have briefly been taught about this innovation in my Technology and Enterprise class.

I learned that it is a free web-based word processor, spread sheet and and presentation. It can be used to create and edit documents online while sharing/collaborating with other users.

It is an effective tool to use when doing group assignment for example; each member of the group can write their part on Google Docs, then share it with the other team members, so they can have a look and do the necessary corrections. No need to arrange time to meet up at Uni, can just stay at home and work through Google Docs.

It is a great innovation for sharing docs and has useful features!