I wasn't in class when Miriam and Simon did their presentation about Google Docs; but I have briefly been taught about this innovation in my Technology and Enterprise class.
I learned that it is a free web-based word processor, spread sheet and and presentation. It can be used to create and edit documents online while sharing/collaborating with other users.
It is an effective tool to use when doing group assignment for example; each member of the group can write their part on Google Docs, then share it with the other team members, so they can have a look and do the necessary corrections. No need to arrange time to meet up at Uni, can just stay at home and work through Google Docs.
It is a great innovation for sharing docs and has useful features!
I think that Google definitely made a stride with Google Docs because it's free, we no more need to install anything and we can access the documents everywhere with internet access. Very different from Microsoft Office or even OpenOffice.